The good news keeps on coming! It was reported a few weeks ago that EA Sports was rumored to bring back the classic franchise, NBA Jam to the Wii. Now it's finally official! Nintendo Power has the full cover dedicated to the news of the new game and I can't wait to get my hands on it.
I remember as a kid wondering why there was never an NBA game that had the score counter on it between baskets, then all of a sudden I saw a preview of the game on the local news. When I got to the arcade and finally played the game I was awestruck. 2 on 2 basketball at it's finest. Put together great graphics, controls, gameplay and of course the announcer and you had yourself one of the best sports games ever made. In fact, the arcade game of NBA Jam ranks as one of the top earning arcade games of all time.
Now I wouldn't be going on about this if the game wasn't going to be in the right hands. It turns out that EA has hired the game's creator, Mark Turmell to help consult with the game and the announcer, Tim Kitzrow will be returning as well! Now of course, a lot of people are angry that this looks to be a Wii exclusive only and the other consoles might be missing out, so hopefully the game will sell well and EA Sports will decide on porting the games to the other two next gen consoles. I wish that they EA would partner up with Raw Thrills and bring the game back home to the arcades since they've made Tiger Woods and Madden arcade games. So lets hope to see JAM return to it's roots.
If you'd like to know more about the new game you can check out the official site where you can vote on the three players you'd like to play as on each team. There's also a great link from ESPN with a great interview with Turmell about the creation of the game and a lot more great bits of information about how they created the game. I hope they'll get a ton of new unlockable characters. I want to have a dream team of Colbert/Stewart!
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