Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Kong Off: March 19th and 20th, 2011

Sarge here with your mid week update.

On March 19th and 20th of this glorious year 2011, New Jersey will be the state in which 10 distinguished competitors will finally put their quarter up and claim the title of King of Kong.

Our friend Ritchie Knucklez along with Billy Mitchell will be hosting The Kong Off over at Ritchie Knucklez' Arcade Games in Flemington, NJ. As the announcement goes, "10 Machines, 10 Top DK Players and 1 Top Score". We here at Arcade-Hunters.Com will be checking out the event and keeping you up to date with the highlights of the event. For you Sirius/XM listeners out there, the event will be broadcast live on the Virus station. Click here for more info. We would love to see our viewers over there as we'll definitely be in the crowd. Come say hi to Sarge, Nick!, and 2600!

Question of the day: Who'll take the crown? Will it be Chien, Mitchell, Wiebe, or a new contender? Leave your comments in the section below!

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