Thursday, October 6, 2011

Doctor Who Pinball Review!

Hey folks! Nick back with the last full sized review at PAPA 14 in wonderful Pittsburgh PA. Today we're checking out one of my favorites, none other then 1992's Doctor Who from Bally! This game came out just in time for the good Doctor's 30th Anniversary so it only includes seven of the Doctors. This game is a fast high scoring game, well if you can hit the W-H-O ramps, which I can't do to save my life, so I just try to collect as many Doctors as I can and try to start the multiball. The game's main toy is The Time Expander that Ace and the 7th Doctor help control. It raises up to three different levels and is really cool seeing it in action. Think of it like a more advanced version of Pinbot.

Speaking of Doctor Who I've got two extra bonus videos if you'd like to see. Hit the jump and check em' out!

The first bonus video is what I spoke about in my Tron: Legacy Pinball Video. I said that Jon over at Reciprocal Skateboards owns a Doctor Who and when the cast came to do a DVD signing they found out about the place and stopped in for a couple of games and shot this interview above. Yes, Matt was sick that day, so his voice sounds really raspy. One thing that Jon told me was after the camera crew packed up and the cast left a couple of hours later Karin who plays Amy Pond on the show came back and played some more. She said she never got to play a lot of pinball but had a real kick out of playing all of Jon's tables. I hope one day Jon will bring the game back into rotation at Reciprocal!

The last video I have for you is one that Jon himself shot where he's talking to Matt Smith about what Doctor Who is all about. Even though Jon owns the game he admitted to me he's never really watched the show, but after meeting the cast and finding out more about it, he'd like to see it. So enjoy a short off the cuff interview with Jon, Matt and Karin!

That's it for tonight! Enjoy the video and be sure to come back on Friday night for a very special shout out video to everybody for all your support and over 1,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel!

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