Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First Videos of AC/DC in Action

Hey folks, Nick here with a quick update. The fine gents over at Pinball News got the very first videos of AC/DC Pro in action from IMA Show in Germany. The game is on very early code. Sadly one video is less then a minute long and the other video shows off a little gameplay but they cycle through the music. Seeing it in action gives me a real T2 vibe with the motorized "For Those About To Rock" cannon and the looping shots. You can see a lot of Steve Richie's style in this.

As I said, it's just the Pro model, so this lacks some of the extra goodies like the lower "Underworld" playfield, drop targets, "Rock N' Roll" Train and even the TNT Plunger goes down in the LE's. Speaking of LE's the folks at Pinball News also have the first photos of the game's LE version in the prototype "whitewood" that you can view at the link below. Being a fan of Steve Richie's games I hope I'll get to play the LE or "Premium" version when it comes out.

AC/DC LE Prototype Pictures from PinballNews.com

(Also, I want to say I support all efforts to end the PIPA and SOPA bills. Please read up and find out how you can help!)

EDIT! New Video From Pinball News! Hit the Jump!

Thanks to PinballNews.Com for posting this over seven minute long video of the game! The "Hell's Bell" shot looks REALLY drain happy, so I don't know if they can adjust it. Watching the video you can tell it's a Steve Ritchie pin. It's got the ramps that feed back to the flippers like T2 so you can keep going for combos. As I said above, this is on prototype software so it looks like the multiball modes just sort of happen. There's also not that much in terms of animation on the display or any announcer for shot calls. It looks like it could be fun, but with all the additions they have in the LE and Premium models, I'd just wait.

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