Friday, September 21, 2012

Bally's Judge Dredd

Since today marks the release of the new Dredd 3D movie that's out in theaters, I thought we'd take a look at the pinball machine from 1993. If you watched the "Leftover PAPA Videos" you may have seen this machine tacked onto the end of the video. This is our friend Craig's personal Judge Dredd machine that he bought a few years ago. He's got the Deadworld mod installed that lets you lock the balls on the spinning planet.

I think it was smart that they based the game off of the comic books (2000 AD) and not the Stallone movie that came out two years later. Just like Stern did with X-Men. You just get the awesome artwork and in Stern's case, no rushed Photoshopped art that looks like it was done in less then a weekend. This game was designed by Dr. Flash AKA John Trudeau who also designed Creature From The Black Lagoon. So you'll notice the guy from "Move Your Car!" and a couple of the other characters from that game as well as family members and other workers from Bally/Williams in the game as suspects.

This is one of two videos. This video includes footage of Judge Dredd's Super Game mode. For an extra credit you can play a special mode, complete with it's own high scores. Every game starts out with two balls and an objective, If you knock down the JUDGE targets you'll get "Super Multiball" and that will add three more balls onto the playfield. It gets really crazy and it's a lot of fun. Check back in on Sunday for a longer look at a "Regulation Game"

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