Monday, November 16, 2009

Arcade Home Port Review: Medieval Madness

Here's my review of Medieval Madness off of the Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection disk on the XBox 360.

Hey everybody. I used the automatic Blip uploader for the video today. The flash video isn't done, so hopefully it will change over from the WMV version without adds. I really want to see if there's a way to automatically upload the flash versions and not have to re-size them manually, because as you saw from the TMNT video, I didn't do that right.

I'm taking over updating today for 2600's who's busy with work and has a pest problem to deal with so he'll be updating on Friday. Today I picked the full video for Medieval Madness. Overall, awesome translation of the game and over on the Xbox Live side, one of the most played tables on the collection.

We'll keep you up to date on what's happening with the trip up to FunSpot. We may have to cancel it, but we still may go, so stay tuned here and on Twitter for the latest.

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