Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Unboxing The Wizard of Oz

Last month my friend Steven invited a couple of us over his house to help him set up his new Wizard of Oz pinball machine from Jersey Jack. I had planned on getting the video out the week of Christmas but of course that didn't happen. I kept getting sick so that pushed it off but the biggest problem is my computer. Since it's older it didn't like the idea of rendering a 20 plus minute long HD video and kept crashing every time I would go to render the video. So I had to cut a lot of the video out. Us moving the box down the stairs, the machine being put together with the legs going on and taking the packing out of the game itself as well as a look under the hood of the machine.

I was able to save much of what you're about to watch in the video. Let me tell you is this machine is beastly. It's built like a tank so if you're considering getting one make sure you've got some help to move it around. The game is packed well with all of the legs and goodies being packed inside of another box that's packed up nice. We did have a problem setting the game back up and putting the glass back on. I'll have to ask Steven if it's better since when we shot the video.

I'd like to thank Steve for having us over to unbox his band new game and I hope you liked watching us!

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