Tuesday, August 18, 2009

PAPA 12 Pictures are here!

Hey everybody, Nick here for tonight's update. I just finished uploading all of the PAPA 12 pictures 2600 and I took on our Photobucket page, here's the link for you so you can go and check em' out. I didn't take as many pictures as I did last year, but here's what we took.

PAPA 12 Pictures

I hate coming home after a weekend at PAPA. Just playing normal video games doesn't cut it anymore for me. I really wish I had the bucks and space for some good quality tables. I'm thinking about hitting up the New York City Pinball League when they start up again next summer, but the price for the train will kill me and I might just go to play once or twice. As I've said before, Long Island isn't really a hotbed of pinball activity. There are some owners that have games in their collections, but you can't just go up and knock on their door and ask to be let in to play.

I finished putting an intro video in for the Tattoo Assassins video I took last year and it will be up on Wednesday. Hopefully we make it to 300 Subscribers on Youtube, because I say that in the video and as I type this the counter is hanging at 299, but I know there has to be at least one more pinball or arcade gamer out there.

So that's it for tonight! Have a good one.

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