Tuesday, November 29, 2011

F-Zero AX Playthrough

Nick here with a bonus video from my time at The Game Station in Disney World! Here's a look at the super rare deluxe unit of F-Zero AX from Nintendo and Sega! For some reason this game didn't do well in arcades and many never carried it. From one F-Zero fan site they report less then 20 machines of F-Zero AX are still working in North America. Not sure on the exact number, but this machine and two others in Vegas are the only ones I've played.

The game includes a memory card slot for your GameCube memory card that you can transfer points too to unlock bonus goodies in F-Zero GX. I didn't even think they'd still have the game so I didn't bring mine. I've had the old license card in my wallet since I played the game back when they had it on the first floor. The guys at The Game Station know it's a rare game, so they keep it in good shape. So if you ever visit the Game Station, make sure to give it a try and bring your memory card!

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Game Station

Hey kids, hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and if you were crazy enough to go out today, a safe Black Friday. As much as I love a good deal, I'm not up for getting hit in the face with pepper spray over an Xbox and TV.

Today I've got another part of the Disney World Walkthrough series and it's the new arcade that's located on the 4th floor of Disney's Contemporary Resort, it's The Game Station. Up till a few years ago the arcade used to be located on the first floor and was gigantic. I still remember going there as a kid and being floored by the size of the place. Every game you could think of, they had. It was amazing. Sadly due to them renovating the hotel and the downsizing of all of the arcades, it's now housed on the 4th floor. So while it is much smaller then even other Disney hotel arcades, the quality of the games is bar none the best. I'd like to once again thank, Robin, Henry and Domato for all of their hard work keeping this place the best arcade in Walt Disney World.

I'm going to have another "talking head" video of something I want to try to do and another video of me attempting to play F-Zero AX one handed on the Mute City track. So stay tuned!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from the us at Arcade Hunters. We have a plethora of videos that will be uploaded over the next week including an arcade review, game reviews, and a special Keith Apicary video. Until then, here's a little Turkey Shoot!

-2600 Out

Friday, November 18, 2011

RAMPAGE Movie in the works?

So apparently New Line is in the works of preparing a movie treatment of the classic arcade game Rampage. The film has support from famed producer John Rickard (co-producer of "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Final Destination") who is meeting with potential writers to flesh out a story.

Two worries come to my mind. First, will this end up in developer hell like so many other movies, and second is the following comment found in The Hollywood Reporter article,

"the studio (New Line) believes that technology has advanced enough that the possibility exists to make a smartlybudgeted monster movie in the vein and tone of Ghostbusters and Independence Day."

To me, this sounds like it will be a CGI nightmare. Seems like whenever a studio talks about technology and budget it ultimately means cheap CGI.

Personally, I'd love to see the project handed over to Roger Corman. If anyone can blend humor, monsters, and low budget CGI into a fun and entertaining movie, it's him (just take a look at Sharktopus).

Check out the original article in The Hollywood Reporter:



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tomorrowland Light & Power Co

Hey folks, Nick back with the arcade in The Magic Kingdom, it's the Tomorrowland Light & Power Co arcade! In recent year's they've downsized the arcade to have more room for the gift shop. They still offer a good selection of games that range from 50 cents to two bucks a play. Sadly they have gotten rid of Konami's Solar Assault and Sega's Moto Raid. For some reason this arcade also had Sega's Funky Head Boxers, it was a weird and terrible game that I only saw there. Wish I could have gotten a video of that one.

Thanks for watching and I'll be back with another video soon!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lafferty Place at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

Hey folks, Nick back once again with part two of my Walt Disney World arcade tours. Today I'm checking out the arcade from the Yacht and Beach Club, Lafferty Place. I remember this arcade since we stayed at the Yacht and Beach the first year they opened. Back then they used to have a lot more games and pins. Of course back then it was all about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and we played the hell out of it there as well as pretty much every Disney resort arcade. The arcade now has a good mix of games. I still don't know why they have so many games like Super Money Ball Ticket Blitz when they don't have a prize counter. Seems stupid to play a game to win tickets when you can't turn them in for prizes. Also, since I didn't say it on the video, the Pirates of The Caribbean machine had weak flippers and the spinning time lock did not work. Other then that all of the machines I played were in good working order. 

As I say in the video there used to be a door that connected to the Beaches and Cream restaurant that I wish I could have gotten a video of. Since my family and I were going to the Beach Club side for breakfast they didn't open for a few hours. It's a really cool 50's style cafe that serves burgers, shakes and of course ice cream. They have a sundae called "The Kitchen Sink" which is pretty self explanatory. If you and your party can finish the sundae, you'll get a pin that is sought after by Disney Pin Collectors. The pin collecting stuff is crazy, what pisses me off is that they only had two pins for Tron left. The bulk of them came out when the movie did and all the collectors gobble them up and I won't pay top to dollar for a lapel pin.

Thanks for checking out today's video and I'll be back with more soon!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Transformers Pinball NYC Launch Parties

Hey folks, Nick here with my thoughts on the duel Transformers Pinball launch parties that took place in New York City last weekend. With all the stuff that I've had going on I had planned on not going, but at the last minute I decided to get away from everything and check it out. As I say in the beginning, sorry for the glare from the marquee, even on a couple of other videos it's too bright and blocks the top part of the playfield where everything is. So don't say the game looks empty till you see it, because what there is to see is being covered up.

I also go on a rant at the end, so sorry about that but that's just how I feel about how everything. I know times are hard and money is tough and we should be glad that companies like Pinball Manufacturing, Retro Pinball, Stern and Jersey Jack are still making pinball machines in this day and age. But I can not stand how Stern is cutting features out of the game and pretty much leaving all of the good stuff to people that buy the limited edition collectors models. As I say in the video, go to a distributor and look up the check list that Stern themselves put out of what the LE has and what the Pro model has. It's like two completely different games with drop targets, LED lighting, extra rules and the Megatron tank is supposed to transform when the balls come out of the lock. There's a lot more, just check the list and you'll see.

If it's cosmetic like adding the EL Lighting to Tron and making the toy Recognizer move, that's fine it's an extra. Don't leave stuff out of the game that non collectors won't get a chance to play.  

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Ace Bar Walkthrough

Hey kids, Nick back once again with a quick walkthrough video of New York City's Ace Bar. The Ace Bar was one of the two host sites for the Transformers Launch Party and they were also one of the first bars in the city that started the competitive skee-ball league, Brewskee Ball. This is right as I got to The Ace Bar so I was able to walk through the bar when it was empty and also when they weren't blasting music, which is always a plus.

I'll have some more gameplay of Transformers and some of my thoughts of the game and Stern Pinball in general coming up this weekend, so stay tuned for more from the Transformers Launch Party!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Steve Z Plays Transformers

Hey kids, Nick here with a preview from the duel Transformers Pinball Launch Parties in New York City. While I was filming footage I got a really good game played by NYC local, Steve Z. Steve's won many tournaments and plays in the A division at PAPA. This is his first run on Transformers, he ended up getting over 55 million points finishing in second place at the Ace Bar. Sorry for the glare from the marquee and the lack of music. Both bars had their games set really low and with one bar blasting game 7 of the World Series and the other blasting music, we couldn't really hear anything. So enjoy a look at Stern Pinball's Transformers. I'll have a walkthrough tour of The Ace Bar and a full review of what I though coming soon. So stay tuned!